Sunday, July 17, 2022


This is Bingo. In this episode called featherwand bingo is the leading character. She finds out that her older sister, Bluey, gets to go to a friend's birthday party and that she sadly does not get to go. Feeling sad that she is "missing out" on something fun she comes across a feather that drops from a passing bird and then decides to use it as a wand. The special power that this wand has is to make things heavy. I love this episode because it shows the families willingness to participate in each other's antics, especially the parents playing with their kids, no matter what they are in the middle of doing. This is a great episode in helping to teach kids that even if they feel like they are "missing out" on something, they can still make their own fun by themself. 


Babyrace Episode

In the episode called Baby race we follow Chile (mom) as she tells the story of Bluey growing in her infant months. Chile is in a mother’s group and was getting very discouraged because the other mom's children were learning to crawl and walk before Bluey. Chile started reading all the parenting books, asking their doctor, and just trying to figure out why Bluey was not progressing as quickly as the other babies. Chile felt as though she was doing something wrong as the parent. It wasn't until one of the other mothers in the group came to visit Chile and reassured her that she is “doing great.” I can see how this speaks to mothers. My wife has said that she has felt the same way Chile does in this episode. Having that "What am I doing wrong?" feeling. I love how it instills the "You are doing great" message as well as telling parents that all babies are different, and they will progress at different rates. And most importantly to not compare your children with other children.

Featherwand This is Bingo. In this episode called featherwand bingo is the leading character. She finds out that her older sister, Bluey, ge...